Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


I sit in a corner of my room
I browse my mind in my ancient time
My reminance when I still with him
I remember all about him
When he catch my eyes
When he see my face, I just silince
No words I can say
I realy wants too say all of my feels
But I can't do it
My mouth is closed
I just can write and say all of my feels in little notes
And write in my diary phome with the black ink
I just wanna say, If I ever have special feels to you
I hope you can understand without I say everyting enough clear
I am sorry I can't stop to think about you
Cause you are so sweet
I don't know, I always ask to the stars
But I never ask to you
I am sorry cause I love you
I love you more than you know
Now, I permit the time and god to answer for my questions
Just wish and still silince

diary qu..

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

"No more than a wind"

I feel alone
Like a bird without wings
Like a moon without stars
Like sky wihtout stars
Like flowers without butterfly
Like fish without water
It'a like me without him
I am tired for waiting and always hope
I am stupid was waiting for nothing
Always hopefull just for him
Someone in my long ago time
When I was junior high
I know, I just a little girl
Who can't solve it by self
I know everitihng I do is no result
But, I never change my heart for other people
I was say this word for the many time
He are the one
But, however, nothing is perfect
With him or without him
My life is must go on
I just can concluse
That he is no more than a wind

For You

Do you feel my heart beating
Do you understand
Do you feel the shame
You are the Love that came without warnig
I just feel that I love again
After a long while come
Something Hidden

Something wrong I feel my heart
In the night, I see star and moon in the sky
I hope you can see too and feel shame like me
I don't know what's wrong with me
Eventhough somepeople can see
there is change in me
But, I am too shy to say
It's my firs love
I save this feel in the deepest of my heart
Nobody knows, include him
I always hidden my truely feels to them
I'am shy
So far, I always finding the answer
But, I never get it
I can't forget him
He will always gonna be the one
Realy too sweet to forget
Something hidden betwen he and me
It's Love..

With You

I can see you
If you are not with me
I can say to myself
If you are ok
I can feel you
If you are not with me
I can with you myself
You show me the way

dari berbagai sumber

My Life

I want to leave my leave to be absolute fullest
to open my eyes to be all i can  be
to travel roads not taken
to meet faces unknow
to feel the wind, to touch the star
I promis to discover my life
to stand tall with greatness
to chase down and catch every dream..

dari berbagai sumber

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

komentar tentang gunadarma

Menurut saya, Universitas Gunadarma mempunyai akreditas yang baik dan cukup terkenal di bidang Teknologi. Fasilitasnya juga bagus, walaupun kadang masih banyak Mahasiswa yang masih lalai didalam kampus. Misalnya mencoret-coret bangku dan fasilitas lain seperti didalam toilet. Semoga kedepannya Gunadarma lebih maju lagi..

 Nama   : Tuti Haryati

 Kelas   : 1EA03

 NPM   : 18210304